Review by L Flood
Middlesbrough, UK
This book represents a very useful supplement to the iconic editions of Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck surgery, the standard textbook for UK practice for over 70 years. At under 1.5 Kgs it certainly proves far more portable than the 14 Kgs three-volume boxed set that I struggled to carry some years ago. In my review for this journal I did express concerns that the sheer weight of the volumes would challenge the spine and binding process, but I never did get the chance to judge that. I donated the box and its contents to our postgraduate library, where it was duly placed on a table next to many an aged and withdrawn textbook, destined for collection and donation to third world libraries. The rest you can guess. We think it went to Africa and I hope someone is benefitting from it.
The authors of this new version are largely UK based, providing 110 chapters in nearly 600 pages. My paperback offered a very thorough index (so often lacking in such texts), excellent colour illustrations and photographs and superb reproduction of monochrome imaging. The introductory Acknowledgements I found interesting, as they refer the contents of each chapter to the parent 8th Edition, but also show how fresh authorship has introduced new content throughout. This is much more then than just a “mini Scott-Brown” as, to quote every single chapter, each “contains some material from Volume” etc. This book is designed for reference and browsing, rather than reading cover to cover (for which the original is ideal). The annotated format, use of bullet points, algorithms, tables and key points all make this invaluable for trainees facing higher surgical exams and it does represent remarkable value.
There is a very useful website ( that offers a download of the chapter titles and authorship (not to mention several sample chapters from the 8th Edition). A glance at the range of topics covered will show just how comprehensive does the content prove and this proves “Essential” in every sense of the word.
Amazon Link: Scott-Brown’s Essential Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
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