Edward Fisher (Birmingham)
Jonathan Fishman (London)
Senior Assistant Editor
Ann-Louise McDermott (Birmingham)
Emeritus Editors
Robin Youngs (Gloucester)
Musheer Hussain (Dundee)
Book Review and Senior Assistant Editor
Liam Flood (Middlesbrough)
Assistant Editors
Kim Ah-See (Aberdeen)
Abir Bhattacharyya (London)
Sean Carrie (Newcastle)
Jayesh Doshi (Birmingham)
Quentin Gardiner (Dundee)
Joe Grainger (Birmingham)
Charlie Hall (Gloucester)
Andrew Harris (Newport)
Omar Hilmi (Glasgow)
Claire Hopkins (London)
Jonathan Hughes (London)
Richard Irving (Birmingham)
Hisham Khalil (Plymouth)
Bhik Kotecha (London)
Tristram Lesser (Liverpool)
Prepageran Narayanan (Kuala Lumpur)
Paul Nix (Leeds)
Desmond Nunez (Vancouver, Canada)
Srinivasa Raghavan (Guildford)
Riaz Seedat (Bloemfontein)
Azhar Shaida (London)
Patrick Spielmann (Dundee)
Emma Stapleton (Manchester)
Iain Swan (Glasgow)
Vik Veer (London)
Timothy Woolford (Manchester)
International Liaison Editors
David Morris (Halifax, Canada)
Rania Mehanna (Dublin, Eire)
Adviser in Audiology
Penny Feltham (Manchester)
Advisers in Pathology
Ketan Shah (Oxford)
Adrian Warfield (Birmingham)
Adviser in Radiology
Thiru Sudarshan (Dundee)
Adviser in Statistics
Wenyu Liu (Birmingham)
Website Editor
Stephen Jones (Dundee)
Managing Editor
Catherine Hyland
Previous Editors of The Journal of Laryngology and Otology
1887 | Sir Morell Mackenzie & R Norris Wolfenden |
1891 | R Norris Wolfenden, John Macintyre & James Dundas-Grant (1892) |
1899 | John Macintyre, James Dundas-Grant, Arthur Sandford & Richard Lake |
1903 | John Macintyre, James Dundas-Grant, Arthur Sandford & William Milligan |
1909 | James Dundas-Grant |
1911 | Dan Mckenzie |
1921 | A Logan Turner & J S Fr |
1929 | Walter Howarth |
1961 | (Sir) Geoffrey Bateman |
1978 | John Ballantyne |
1987 | John Booth |
1992 | Neil Weir |
1997 | Neil Weir & Guy Kenyon |
2005 | Guy Kenyon & Robin Youngs |
2010 | Robin Youngs & Edward Fisher |
2016 | Robin Youngs, Edward Fisher, Musheer Hussain & Jonathan Fishman |
2018 | Edward Fisher, Musheer Hussain & Jonathan Fishman |
2020 | Edward Fisher & Jonathan Fishman |
The London Hospital 1858 MD 1862
- Born into medical family, the eldest of eight children.
- Originally destined to be a clerk in an insurance company but through the kindness of a relative changed to medicine.
- After qualification spent a year in Europe and visited Czermak in Budapest. He taught Mackenzie the use of the laryngoscope.
- Returning as an enthusiastic laryngologist he founded in 1863 his ‘Metropolitan Free Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat and Loss of Voice’ which within a few years became the Throat Hospital, Golden Square, which was the first hospital in the world to be devoted exclusively to diseases of the throat.
- 1864 became assistant physician to the London Hospital.
- 1865 published his first book The Use of the Laryngoscope in Diseases of the Throat followed quickly by Neuro-muscular Affections of the Larynx in which he introduced the terms abductors and adductors to describe the groups of muscles opening and closing the glottis.
- 1870 Before the discovery of cocaine (1880) Mackenzie had dextrously operated on 100 laryngeal growths via indirect laryngoscopy. These cases were published in Growths of the Larynx.
- 1880 Published the famous two-volume Diseases of the Throat and Nose.
- 1887 Supported R Norris Wolfenden in the foundation of the monthly Journal of Laryngology and Rhinology.
- 1888 Founded the British Rhino-Laryngological Association (Otology was added in 1895) which later in 1907 amalgamated with the Laryngological Society of London (founded by Felix Semon in 1893) to become the Section of Laryngology of the Royal Society of Medicine.
- 1887/88 At the request of his attending German physicians and, it is thought his wife, the Crown Princess Victoria (daughter of Queen Victoria), the Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia (later the German Emperor Frederick III) was examined by Mackenzie. He was suffering from hoarseness and was believed to have cancer of the larynx. Mackenzie correctly insisted on biopsy but whether the material was insufficient or whether the growth was distorted by repeated cauterization the result was a series of negative biopsies. Mackenzie counselled against surgery but within a few months it became certain that the royal patient had cancer and a palliative tracheostomy was performed. Following the death of his elderly father in March 1888 Frederick III reigned for only 99 days. His death was blamed on Morell Mackenzie but the patient himself held his English doctor in great esteem.
- 1887 Knighted by Queen Victoria for services to medicine and to Emperor Frederick III.
- 1892 A known asthmatic, Sir Morell Mackenzie died prematurely of influenzal pneumonia at the age of 54
Cambridge, St Bartholomew’s and the London Hospitals.
- 1880 Lecturer in Physiology at the Charing Cross Hospital.
- Physician to the Hospital of Diseases of the Throat, Golden Square where he collaborated closely with Morell Mackenzie and assisted in the care of Crown Prince Frederick.
- 1886-87 Suggested the need for an English language ENT journal to Morell Mackenzie and they jointly founded The Journal of Laryngology and Rhinology. With Mackenzie’s support Norris Wolfenden edited the journal and many of the early contributions (particularly on tuberculosis and cancer of the larynx) were written by him.
- 1896 Retired from the Editorial Board and ‘being well provided with this world’s goods’ (quoted from Sir Dundas-Grant’s obituary of Wolfenden written in 1926) he retired to initially pursue an interest in marine zoology and later to emigrate to Ontario, Canada where he indulged in fruit growing.
- He always had a great love of music and used to conduct the London Hospital orchestra.