Volume 80 – Issue 10
Particular Features in the Functional State of the Auditory and Vestibular Analysers Prior to and following Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis
Endolymphatic Hydrops in the Cochlea of a Newborn
Idiopathic Haemotympanum and Perceptive Hearing Loss

Volume 80 – Issue 9
Purulent Labyrinthitis in a Newborn Infant
Concentrations of Inorganic ions in Guinea-Pig Inner Ear Fluids
Phosphate Content of Utricular Endolymph And Perilymph

Volume 80 – Issue 8
The Inner Ear of Newborn Infants (A Histopathological Study)
Concentrations of Inorganic Ions in Guinea-Pig Inner Ear Fluids
Hurler's Syndrome and the Hearing Organ

Volume 80 – Issue 7
Perceptive Deafness in Subjects with Renal Failure Treated with Hæmodialysis and Polybrene (A Clinico-Pathological Study)
Monostotic Fibrous Dysplasia (Ossifying Fibroma) of the Mastoid
Surgical Treatment of the Chronically Infected Post-Operative Mastoidectomy Cavity

Volume 80 – Issue 6
Lateral Transthyroid Arytenoidectomy
Toxoplasmosis in Childhood
Aberrant Salivary Tumours (Report of Four Cases)

Volume 80 – Issue 5
Auditory Adaptation
Pathology of the Ear in the Cardio-Auditory Syndrome of Jervell and Lange-Nielsen (Recessive Deafness with Electrocardiographic Abnormalities)
Human Stapes and its Variations

Volume 80 – Issue 3
Vestibular Inaptitude in the Environments of Flight and Space*
Observations on the Histogenesis of the Inner Ear Degeneration of the Deaf White Cat and Its Possible Relationship to the Ætiology of Certain Unexplained Varieties of Human Congenital Deafness*
The Effects of Exclusion of Air from Pneumatized Bones*

Volume 80 – Issue 2
Combined Therapy for Cancer of the Upper Jaw and Paranasal Sinuses
Perceptive Deafness in Subjects with Renal Failure Treated with Hæmodialysis and Polybrene (A Clinico-Pathological Study)
Light Microscopic Observations on the Pathology of Endolymph

Volume 80 – Issue 2
Combined Therapy for Cancer of the Upper Jaw and Paranasal Sinuses
Lesions in the Temporal Bone Causing Multiple Nerve Damage
Candida Infection of the Tongue (Clinical and Cultural Studies)

Volume 80 – Issue 1
Light Microscopic Observations on the Pathology of Endolymph
Human Stapes and its Variations I. General Features
Exudative Otitis Media in Children

Volume 79 – Issue 12
Enlarged Hemilaryngectomy (Subtotal Laryngectomy) with Immediate Reconstruction for Advanced Cancer of the Larynx
Submucosal Dissection of the Œsophagus due to Hæmorrhage a New Radiographic Finding
Subglottic Lipoma of the Larynx