The Journal Archives

Volume 133 – Issue 10

Volume 133 – Issue 10

ENT in the undergraduate curriculum

A systematic review of factors affecting choice of otolaryngology as a career in medical students and junior doctors

Cetuximab in the management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma – a narrative review

Volume 133 – Issue 9

Volume 133 – Issue 9

What does the future hold for otology?

Revisiting the sternocleidomastoid flap as a reconstructive option in head and neck surgery

The future of otology

Volume 133 – Issue 8

Volume 133 – Issue 8

Imaging for vestibular schwannoma in the old: practice versus reason. Predictors of disease progression after endoscopic sinus surgery

Screening for vestibular schwannoma in the context of an ageing population

MicroRNAs in acquired sensorineural hearing loss

Volume 133 – Issue 7

Volume 133 – Issue 7

Parotid carcinoma and adjunct radiation therapy and the case for combined approach in paediatric antrochoanal surgery

Is there a relationship between mastoid pneumatisation and facial canal dimensions?

Do central vestibular findings predict abnormal findings on magnetic resonance imaging?

Volume 133 – Issue 6

Volume 133 – Issue 6

Diagnostic accuracy of intra-operative assessment of de-epithelisation of the malleus, mortality and epistaxis, the left-sidedness of Zenker's diverticulae, and laryngeal stenosis and three-dimensional printing

Aural fullness and transtympanic ventilation tubes in Ménière's disease: a scoping review

Manubrio-incudo-stapedioplasty for reconstruction of Austin–Kartush type B ossicular defects

Volume 133 – Issue 5

Volume 133 – Issue 5

Safety standards for invasive procedures in out-patient departments, managing subglottic stenosis in pregnancy, a critical review on follow up of head and neck cancer patients, and a new classification for cochleovestibular malformations

Malignant otitis externa, an increasing burden in the twenty-first century: review of cases in a UK teaching hospital, with a proposed algorithm for diagnosis and management

Accuracy of otoacoustic emissions, and automated and diagnostic auditory brainstem responses, in high-risk infants

Volume 133 – Issue 4

Volume 133 – Issue 4

Adenoidectomy technique, surgeon anxiety and augmenting the medical school ENT curriculum

Endoscopic septoplasty: literature review, surgical techniques and retrospective analysis at the University Hospitals Leuven

Augmenting ENT surgery outside the medical school curriculum: the role of a 1-day otolaryngology course

Volume 133 – Issue 3

Volume 133 – Issue 3

Rhinological interventions for sleep apnoea, patulous Eustachian tube and the demise of the tuning fork?

Rhinological interventions for obstructive sleep apnoea – a systematic review and descriptive meta-analysis

Rehabilitation following open partial laryngeal surgery: key issues and recommendations from the UK evidence based meeting on laryngeal cancer

Volume 133 – Issue 2

Volume 133 – Issue 2

Audiometric screening and education for ENT emergencies

Portable audiometric screening platforms used in low-resource settings: a review

Dietary modification for laryngopharyngeal reflux: systematic review

Volume 133 – Issue 1

Volume 133 – Issue 1


Education in ear and hearing care in remote or resource-constrained environments

Hearing healthcare in remote or resource-constrained environments

Volume 133 – Issue 1

Volume 133 – Issue 1


Education in ear and hearing care in remote or resource-constrained environments

Hearing healthcare in remote or resource-constrained environments

Volume 132 – Issue 12

Volume 132 – Issue 12

Epistaxis audit revisited

Head and neck immunoglobulin G4 related disease: systematic review

Surgery alone versus post-operative radiotherapy for sinonasal malignant melanoma: a meta-analysis