Volume 96 – Issue 8
Medical management of sensorineural hearing loss
Treatment of retraction pockets and cholesteatoma
Menière's disease: Long-term results of sympatheoctomy

Volume 96 – Issue 7
The social handicap of deafness*
When not to do middle-ear surgery
Scanning electron microscopy of the nerve endings of the outer hair cells in the organ of corti

Volume 96 – Issue 6
Some unusual cures of deafness
Experimental Cholesterol Granuloma Histopathological and histochemical studies
Presbyacusis—loss of neurons in the human cochlear nuclei

Volume 96 – Issue 5
Management of the stapes footplate with special reference to otosclerosis*
Post-Stapedectomy conductive deafness and results of revision surgery
Post-Operative cholesteateatomas and retraction pockets after obliterative surgery in ears without cholesteatoma

Volume 96 – Issue 4
Bimodal hearing, the controversial second filter, and the mystery of the missing OHC afferents
Middle-ear analysis in the nose/ear distress syndrome
Structure of human muscle in facial paralysis

Volume 96 – Issue 3
The ossicular system of cats
Otomycosis: An experimental evaluation of six antimycotic agents
Non-invasive antromycosis (Diagnosis and treatment)

Volume 96 – Issue 2
A study of speech deterioration in post-lingually deafened adults
Tympanic membrane retraction and middle-ear pressure
A new technique for repair after laryngectomy and subtotal pharyngectomy

Volume 96 – Supplement 5
20 Years of experience with homografts in ear surgery*
JLO volume 96 supplement 5 Cover and Front matter
JLO volume 96 supplement 5 Cover and Back matter

Volume 96 – Issue 1
McBride and the midfacial granuloma syndrome
Medical management of sensorineural hearing loss PART II: Musculo-skeletal system
Pathology as it relates to ear surgery

Volume 96 – Issue 1
McBride and the midfacial granuloma syndrome
What's best in myringoplasty: underlay or overlay, dura or fascia?
Tympanic membrane grafting with fascia, pericardium and vein

Volume 95 – Issue 12
Tomography of the internal acoustic meatus
Transmastoid labyrinthectomy: Further experience with the indications, complications and early post-operative results
Auditory and vestibular damage in 100 work-related head injuries

Volume 95 – Issue 11
Recent developements in paediatric otolaryngology
The influence of nasal osteotomies and septum surgery on the growth of the rabbit snout
Pathogenesis of juvenile nasopharyngeal fibroma