Volume 104 – Issue 4
Patulous Eustachian tube: A radiological perspective
Pathological features of the facial nerve in patients with facial palsy of varying aetiology Light and electron microscopic study
Ear, nose and throat manifestations of Lyme disease

Volume 104 – Issue 3
Neuro-axonal recruitment: A result of selective compression
Brainstem auditory evoked potential with increased stimulus rate in minor head trauma
Anaesthesia of the tympanic membrane: Comparison of EMLA cream and iontophoresis

Volume 104 – Issue 2
Pathology of the otic capsule
Unterberger stepping test: a useful indicator of peripheral vestibular dysfunction?

Volume 104 – Issue 2
Pathology of the otic capsule
Pars flaccida perforation in tissue culture: morphological study
Hearing loss and Waardenburg's syndrome: Implications for genetic counselling

Volume 104 – Issue 1
St Cadoc and the healing of the deaf
Impedance tympanometry and the home environment in seven-year-old children
Carcinoma of the nasal vestibule: Report of 12 cases

Volume 103 – Issue 12
Early ossification within the human fetal otic capsule: morphological and microanalytical findings
Spiral prominence epithelium
Effect of acoustic overstimulation on the glycocalyx and the ciliary interconnections in the organ of Corti: High resolution scanning electron microscopic investigation

Volume 103 – Issue 11
R. Norris Wolfenden, M.D.: The medical episode
Norris Wolfenden—A Footnote
Norris Wolfenden and X-rays

Volume 103 – Issue 10
Traumatic middle ear lesions. Fracture of the malleus handle, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment
Serum antibodies against respiratory tract viruses: A prospective three-year follow-up from birth
Nasal airflow: resistance and sensation

Volume 103 – Issue 9
The Birmingham and Midland ear, nose and throat hospital
Anthropological study of the mastoid air cell system in Pakistani races
Diagnostic vetting of individuals with asymmetric sensorineural hearing impairments

Volume 103 – Issue 8
Otological disease in Turner's syndrome
Patulous Eustachian tube syndrome: The relationship with sensorineural hearing loss Treatment by Eustachian tube diathermy
Nasal decongestant effect of oxymetazoline in the common cold: An objective dose-response study in 106 patients

Volume 103 – Issue 7
Carcinoma of the ear: Retrospective analysis of 61 patients
Attitudes to tympanometry
Changing incidence of sinus infection in children

Volume 103 – Issue 6
Surgery for otitis media with effusion in children and its relationship to parental smoking
Round window reflex and oval window fistulae
An avoidable occupational hazard during mastoid surgery