Volume 105 – Issue 4
James Yearsley: Reflections of an otologist
Biocompatible implantable antimicrobial release for necrotizing external otitis
Prevalence and natural history of otitis media with perforation in Maori school children

Volume 105 – Issue 3
The mini-grommet and tympanosclerosis
Acoustic neuroma (schwannoma) surgery 1978–1990
Use of hearing aids by patients with closed mastoid cavity

Volume 105 – Issue 2
Lateral cephalometric analysis of children with otitis media with effusion: A comparison with age and sex matched controls
BIPP induced methaemoglobinaemia
Otological manifestations of a new familial polyostotic bone disorder

Volume 105 – Issue 1
Patrick Watson-Williams and the concept of focal sepsis in the sinuses: An historical caveat for functional endoscopic sinus surgery
Ototoxicity of cis-platinum and its relationship to eye colour

Volume 104 – Issue 12
Audiological findings following head trauma
Point and period prevalence of otitis media with effusion evaluated by daily tympanometry

Volume 104 – Issue 11
Surgical treatment of vertigo
Quelprud's Nodule: a post-auricular cartilaginous nodule
Antibiotic/steroid ear drop preparations: a cost-effective approach to their use

Volume 104 – Issue 10
Quantitative analysis of the bacterial findings in otitis media
A long term view of myringoplasty in children
The Dansac mini cap®: A new method of waterproof ear protection

Volume 104 – Issue 9
Decline in the prevalence of childhood deafness in the Jewish population of Jerusalem: ethnic and genetic aspects
Typing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ear infections related to outcome of treatment
Dysequilibrium and otitis media with effusion: What is the association?

Volume 104 – Issue 8
Unterberger stepping test: a useful indicator of peripheral vestibular dysfunction?
Size variation of mastoid air cell system in Indian people at different age groups: a radiographic planimetric study
Ligmaject system for local anaesthesia in otology

Volume 104 – Issue 7
Head and neck surgery: An encyclopaedia of ignorance
The British experience of an implantable, subcutaneous bone conduction hearing aid (Xomed Audiant)
Chondroplastic Graft Augmentation Rhinoplasty

Volume 104 – Issue 6
Review Articles
Management of radiation-induced otitis externa
Reliability of conventional ear swabs in tubotympanic CSOM

Volume 104 – Issue 5
Kramer v Wilde: An ideological debate*
Otomycosis: A common problem in North Iraq