Volume 112 – Issue 5
Sir Douglas Ranger (1916–1997)
Christopher Holborow (1926–1998)
Treatment of sequelae after facial paralysis: a global approach

Volume 112 – Issue 22
A history of The Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital 1874–1982
The years of Lennox Browne (1874–1902)
The move towards amalgamation (1903–1948)

Volume 112 – Issue 4
Linkage analysis and the tracking of susceptibility genes
Nothing new under the sun: the management of epistaxis
Hypersensitive allergic reactions to bismuth-iodoform-paraffin paste following ear surgery

Volume 112 – Issue 3
Posterior fossa endoscopy
Basic techniques in molecular genetics
Benjamin Guy Babington and his mirror

Volume 112 – Issue 2
Positron emission tomography – a useful imaging technique for otolaryngology, head and neck surgery?
Linkage analysis and the tracking of susceptibility genes
Posterior fossa endoscopy

Volume 112 – Issue 2
Positron emission tomography – a useful imaging technique for otolaryngology, head and neck surgery?
Principles of molecular genetics
Is primary radiotherapy an appropriate option for the treatment of verrucous carcinoma of the head and neck?

Volume 112 – Issue 1
Changes to the Instructions for Authors
A monthly series of brief instructive articles
Molecular biology and the ENT surgeon in the millennium

Volume 111 – Issue 12
The medical management of vertigo
The Midland Institute of Otology and its Founder: William Stirk Adams (1896–1978)
Treatment of chronic otitis externa by KTP/532 laser

Volume 111 – Issue 11
Mr Andrew Baxter M.B., Ch.B. (Glas.), F.R.C.S. (1939–1996)
Voice disorders following road traffic accidents
The medical management of vertigo

Volume 111 – Issue 11
Mr Andrew Baxter M.B., Ch.B. (Glas.), F.R.C.S. (1939–1996)
Radiotherapy in head and neck cancer
Cochlear implantation: a review of the literature and the Nijmegen results

Volume 111 – Issue 10
Voice disorders following road traffic accidents
Strains that might create a soul
Acute otitis media and otitis media with effusion in children with bacterial meningitis

Volume 111 – Issue 9
Arytenoid granuloma
Prevalence of otitis media with effusion in multicultural schools in Hong Kong
Autograft ossicle selection in cholesteatomatous ear disease: histopathological considerations