Volume 122 – Issue 4
Pilot comparison between potassium titanyl phosphate laser and bipolar radiofrequency in paediatric tonsillectomy
Is there an association between blood group O and epistaxis?
Ossicular chain reconstruction improves bone conduction threshold in chronic otitis media

Volume 122 – Issue 3
Unilateral hearing loss as primary symptom of craniopharyngioma in a six-year-old girl
Congenital salivary fistula of accessory parotid gland: imaging findings
Bilateral, mixed hearing loss with a predominant sensorineural component in Larsen's syndrome

Volume 122 – Issue 2
Post-tonsillectomy dysgeusia with weight loss: possible involvement of soft palate
Proceedings of the 133rd Semon Club, Otolaryngology Department, Guy's and St Thomas' National Health Service Foundation Trust, London, 11 May 2007
Complete recovery of an isolated left vocal fold palsy associated with a benign mediastinal thymic cyst

Volume 122 – Issue 1
Back to the future: the JLO electronic archive
Management of granular myringitis: A systematic review
Bronchiectasis and sino-nasal disease: a review

Volume 121 – Issue 11
Congenital cholesteatoma of mastoid origin
Evidence-based review of aetiopathogenic theories of congenital and acquired cholesteatoma
Pars flaccida retraction and mastoid size: relationship in clinically normal specimens

Volume 121 – Issue 10
History of myringotomy and grommets
Thyroid cancer: are molecular studies making any difference?
Temporary threshold shift due to recreational firearm use

Volume 121 – Issue 9
Morbidity after adenotonsillectomy for paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: waking up to a pragmatic approach
Navigational systems in rhinology: should we all be using them?
Bone-anchored hearing aid modified with directional microphone: do patients benefit?

Volume 121 – Issue 8
Suture techniques in nasal tip sculpture: current concepts
Angioedema of the airway: an unusual case
The vein of Labbe masquerading as an epidural abscess

Volume 121 – Issue 7
Standards for ethical publication
Understanding submucosal electrosurgery for the treatment of nasal turbinate enlargement
Use of intranasal corticosteroids in sinonasal infection and after surgery

Volume 121 – Issue 6
A historical review of head and neck cancer in celebrities
A review of retraction pockets: past, present and future management
Rhinitis due to food allergies: fact or fiction?

Volume 121 – Issue 5
ENT surgery, blood and Jehovah's Witnesses
Suture techniques in nasal tip sculpture: current concepts
Proceedings of the 127th Semon Club, Otolaryngology Department, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK, 28 May 2004

Volume 121 – Issue 5
ENT surgery, blood and Jehovah's Witnesses
Suture techniques in nasal tip sculpture: current concepts
Proceedings of the 127th Semon Club, Otolaryngology Department, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK, 28 May 2004