Volume 128 – Issue 12
Days of change at the JLO
Clinical efficacy of tinnitus retraining therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of subjective tinnitus: a systematic review
Osteocutaneous free flaps for mandibular reconstruction: systematic review of their frequency of use and a preliminary quality of life comparison

Volume 128 – Issue 11
Bioinformatics, tonsillectomy and visual illusions
Introducing bioinformatics
Looking at the evidence

Volume 128 – Issue 11
Bioinformatics, tonsillectomy and visual illusions
Bioinformatics in otolaryngology research. Part two: other high-throughput platforms in genomics and epigenetics
Should the duration of head bandaging be reduced after pinnaplasty? A systematic review

Volume 128 – Issue 10
Introducing bioinformatics
Bioinformatics in otolaryngology research. Part one: concepts in DNA sequencing and gene expression analysis
Endolymphatic hydrops and Ménière's disease: a lesion meta-analysis

Volume 128 – Issue 9
Pushing the boundaries of surgery
Intra-operative monitoring of the spinal accessory nerve: a systematic review
Conservative management of vestibular schwannomas of 15 to 31 mm intracranial diameter

Volume 128 – Issue 8
The genome and its role in ENT
Tinnitus and its association with psychiatric disorders: systematic review
Tracheostomy in ancient Egypt

Volume 128 – Issue 7
Pharmacology in ENT
Tranexamic acid – a useful drug in ENT surgery?
Xylitol and its usage in ENT practice

Volume 128 – Supplement 2
Acoustic shock controversies
Manifestations of immunoglobulin G4 related disease in otolaryngology: case reports and review of the literature

Volume 128 – Issue 6
The ear under pressure
Endolymphatic sac surgical anatomy and transmastoid decompression of the sac for the management of Ménière's disease
Air travellers' awareness of the preventability of otic barotrauma

Volume 128 – Issue 5
Call me – mobile telephone blues
Geniculate neuralgia: a systematic review
The effect of radiofrequency radiation generated by a Global System for Mobile Communications source on cochlear development in a rat model

Volume 128 – Issue 4
Ménière's disease: the old and the new
Concepts of Ménière's disease in the Archives of The Journal of Laryngology and Otology
Patient and public involvement: in theory and in practice

Volume 128 – Issue 3
International Ear Care Day – 3rd March
The experiments behind the Tullio phenomenon
Paper patching of the tympanic membrane as a symptomatic treatment for patulous eustachian tube syndrome