The Journal Archives

Volume 130 – Issue 6

Volume 130 – Issue 6

Service delivery: subspecialisation, emergencies, sharps injuries, personality traits and the ENT surgeon

E-cigarettes in ENT: what do we need to know?

In the face of increasing subspecialisation, how does the specialty ensure that the management of ENT emergencies is timely, appropriate and safe?

Volume 130 – Supplement 3

Volume 130 – Supplement 3

Interactions between the middle ear and the eustachian tube in causing symptoms of patulous ET

Service delivery: subspecialisation, emergencies, sharps injuries, personality traits and the ENT surgeon

Adenoid cystic carcinoma, dynamic Eustachian tube imaging and a touch of magic

Volume 130 – Issue 5

Volume 130 – Issue 5

Glue ear in adults, paediatric sleep apnoea and the nose in exercise

Aetiology and pathology of otitis media with effusion in adult life

Transtympanic balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube: systematic review

Volume 130 – Supplement 2

Volume 130 – Supplement 2


Introduction to the United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines for Head and Neck Cancer

Organisation and provision of head and neck cancer surgical services in the United Kingdom: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines

Volume 130 – Supplement 3

Volume 130 – Supplement 3

Interactions between the middle ear and the eustachian tube in causing symptoms of patulous ET

Patulous Eustachian tube (PET) and the failure of the Eustachian tube to open (FETTO): diagnosis and management

Obstructed vs Patulous Eustachian Tube. How to Avoid Treating the Wrong One and Making it Worse

Volume 130 – Issue 4

Volume 130 – Issue 4

New anticoagulants, a new book and old gags

New oral anticoagulants – a guide for ENT surgeons

Garnett Passe and the tonsillectomy gag

Volume 130 – Issue 3

Volume 130 – Issue 3

Medications for Ménière's disease?

Short-term weight gain after adenotonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnoea: systematic review

Facial nerve management in jugular paraganglioma surgery: a literature review

Volume 130 – Issue 2

Volume 130 – Issue 2

Technology and ENT

How advances in light technology have shaped ENT

Pharyngeal pouch management: an historical review

Volume 130 – Supplement 1

Volume 130 – Supplement 1


Role of cyclins D1 and D3 in vestibular schwannoma

Do tissue spears used to clear ear canal pus improve hearing? A case series study of hearing in remote Australian Aboriginal children with chronic suppurative otitis media before and after dry mopping with tissue spears

Volume 130 – Issue 1

Volume 130 – Issue 1

Topical aural antibiotic use in the UK – time for a change of policy?

Why are ototopical aminoglycosides still first-line therapy for chronic suppurative otitis media? A systematic review and discussion of aminoglycosides versus quinolones

Conceiving a national head and neck cancer screening programme

Volume 129 – Issue 12

Volume 129 – Issue 12

Students, blood and teeth

Tumour–node–metastasis staging of human papillomavirus negative upper aerodigestive tract cancers: a critical appraisal

Eosinophilic oesophagitis: a systematic review for otolaryngologists

Volume 129 – Issue 11

Volume 129 – Issue 11

Controversies in medical publishing; messages from New Delhi

Biomarkers predicting chemotherapy response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a review

Friedrich Berthold Reinke (1862–1919): brilliant yet troubled anatomist of the vocal fold