The Liverpool Basic Rhinoplasty Course

Event Location
Liverpool, United Kingdom

Event Dates
19 Sep 2022 - 19 Sep 2022

Event Website

Event Cost


This is an intensive, highly interactive course which is suitable for core (CT2 – 3) and higher surgical trainees (ST3 – 8) in Otolaryngology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery, or surgeons aspiring to embark on rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery. The course programme aims to provide a theoretical and practical overview of the aesthetic anatomy of the nose, basic surgical principles of septorhinoplasty, pinnaplasty and facial skin flaps.

This unique course will consist of tutorials and supervised cadaver dissection on Thiel embalmed cadavers at the state-of-the-art anatomy laboratory at the University of Liverpool. This course will focus on principles of aesthetic analysis and anatomy of the nose and nasal septum.

Supported by experienced rhinoplasty surgeons, delegates will learn the surgical steps and techniques of basic rhinoplasty surgery and pinnaplasty. The course aims to cover knowledge and skill competencies required for the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme for higher surgical training in Otolaryngology.
