Copenhagen International Head & Neck Ultrasound Course

Event Location
Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

Event Dates
10 Jun 2021 - 11 Jun 2021

Event Website

Event Cost


This course aims to introduce head and neck ultrasound and ultrasound-guided interventions to specialists and registrars in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Surgeon-performed ultrasound is increasingly used in office-based and surgical settings to improve the diagnostic work-up and improve surgical results. Further, the use of minimally invasive treatments, such as, e.g., radiofrequency ablation and ethanol injections for thyroid pathology, requires sufficient​ ultrasound skills. This course is both for experienced practitioners who aim to improve their ultrasound skills and trainees who are interested in staring incorporating ultrasound into their clinical practice. The course is also relevant to other specialties performing head and neck ultrasound as endocrinologists, pediatricians, radiologists, etc.

An international multispeciality faculty will teach thyroid, parathyroid, and neck ultrasound, and the lectures will be combined with quizzes to improve interactivity and learning. About half of the time is planned for hands-on training on volunteer patients with a teacher-to-participant ratio of 1:3. Further, the participants will also practice ultrasound-guided interventions (including fine-needle aspiration biopsies, core needle biopsies, and minimally invasive treatments) on special-made fantoms and fresh-frozen cadavers at the Panum Institute, Faculty of Health Science, Copenhagen University. This course is endorsed by The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) and corresponds to the curriculum of the theoretical part of EFSUMB Level 1.

It is a non-profit course and a possible surplus will be used to develop surgeon-performed ultrasound in ressource-limited countries in collaboration with the African Head and Neck Society (AfHNS), please read more about the global outreach project.
