Event Location
Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom
Event Dates
15 May 2019 - 16 May 2019
Event Website
Event Cost
This two day meeting aims to provide the practical indications for and the evidence base underpinning novel treatments and techniques that have recently entered into clinical practice or are about to enter it, at centres of excellence world-wide, so that practicing head and neck clinicians can consider and assess the relevance of these treatments to their patient populations. The meeting also aims to review and present the latest evidence in the management of uncommon and difficult conditions, and provide a forum for discussion of these challenging cases.
• Improving outcomes for recurrence patients
• Cancer and the immune system – what every MDT member should know about the role of the immune system in cancer
• Management of complications and late effects of surgical and non-surgical treatments
• Management of elderly patients with head and neck cancer
• Emerging areas of practice-Immunotherapy, TORS for occult primary, Narrow band imaging.
This two day meeting is aimed at practising consultants, senior trainees and practising allied health professionals of all specialities in the field of head and neck, including clinical and medical oncologists, ENT surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons and plastic surgeons, CNSs and AHPs.