Event Location
Medical Voice Center, Martinistr. Hamburg, Germany
Event Dates
13 Oct 2023 - 14 Oct 2023
Event Website
Event Cost
€1,500 (ELS and UEP members: 10% discount)
Surgical laser procedures for different kinds of laryngeal lesions have reached a high level in the standard of care. Operations can be performed with various kinds of lasers and during office-based procedures or during surgery under general anesthesia. In this hands-on workshop, we will demonstrate the potential of the blue light laser and compare it with other lasers.
Together with our faculty member Michal Zabrodsky from Motol University in Prague, we will present the potential that blue light lasers have for cutting as well as for photoangiolytic interventions. Lectures and demonstrations for typical applications, indications, and possible complications are presented and discussed with the attendees. Live surgeries in the office are another focus of our two-day workshop.