5th Echno European Conference on Head and Neck Oncology

Event Location
Poznan, Poland

Event Dates
18 Apr 2012 - 21 Apr 2012

Event Website

Event Cost


Following the objectives of the European Head and Neck Society, the intention of this congress is to promote exchange of knowledge in all aspects of head and neck neoplastic diseases, and to promote the highest standards of treatment, scientific achievements in clinical and basic research, education and training, disease prevention and patient care at the multidisciplinary level – among clinicians, health professionals, basic scientists and patients organisations involved in any aspect of Head and Neck Oncology.
Treatment of malignant tumors requires close co-operation between specialists from different medical disciplines and basic sciences. Therefore, the support of an interdisciplinary approach in oncology is one of the main objectives of this conference.

To see the full programme, click on the link below:

