Event Location
Bruges, Belgium
Event Dates
04 Nov 2021 - 07 Nov 2021
Event Website
Event Cost
After a very pleasant and fruitful 5th course in Zagreb, Croatia, we are pleased to welcome you to the 6th course of the European Academy of Phoniatrics: “Advanced course on dysphagia” in Bruges, Belgium. Bruges is a fairy-tale beauty, especially at spring time when the swans bob up and down the canals and the daffodils accentuate the romantic atmosphere. Bruges has become a favorite touristic attraction, not only during the holiday of May 1st. And how wonderful it is to be welcomed in the medieval city hall, by the alderman of culture!
The Course comprises all aspects of dysphagia, from screening over diagnosis to therapy and from neonates over children to elderly. The highly esteemed faculty addresses all subjects in depth and is open for questions or debate during the entire course. An amiable and relaxed atmosphere is a characteristic of the EAP/UEP.