The Rhinoplasty & Facial Plasty Course

Event Location
London - United Kingdom

Event Dates
07 Oct 2013 - 08 Oct 2013

Event Website

Event Cost


Course Organiser: Peter Andrews & Charles East. This new course is designed around the practical dissection sessions using fresh frozen cadavers. The focus will be on functional septo-rhinoplasty surgery and covering nasal reconstruction techniques as well as facial re-animation.

Alternatively you can choose a non-practical pathway; featuring the same high calibre lectures and discussion, plus a step by step visual guide to rhinoplasty techniques with a guest lecturer giving expert commentary.

Days 1 and 2 will be centred around tutorials and fresh frozen cadaveric dissection, including expert lead video demonstations for those not dissecting.

Day 1

  • Anatomy of the nose
  • Anatomical dissection of the internal nasal valve
  • Suture techniques
  • Anatomical dissection of the external nasal valve/ alar reconstruction techniques
  • Nasal reconstruction
  • Septal reconstruction techniques

 Day 2

  • Anatomy of the face
  • Anatomy of the eye and brow
  • Face lift techniques  
  • Z plasty, bilobed and rhomboid flap design

To see the full programme, please click on the link below:
