25th RhinoEgypt

Event Location
Intercontinental Cairo Citystars, Cairo, Egypt

Event Dates
07 Mar 2019 - 09 Mar 2019

Event Website

Event Cost


The Egyptian Rhinology Society gathers all Egyptian doctors interested in the field of Rhinology together. The aims of work the society are to:

  • Keep otorhinolaryngology doctors updated in the field rhinology
  • Encourage young doctors grow in the field of teaching and research work
  • Offer our patients the state of the art services in the field of Rhinology

The subspecialties covered by the society include:

  • Endoscopy (basic, advanced and extended including skull base surgery)
  • Allergy & rhinosinusitis
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Snoring & OSA
  • Faciomaxillary
  • Smell & basic science

The ERS was founded in 2010 as an extension of the Egyptian Rhinology Group which was founded in 1995. The activities of the ERS are supported by the Egyptian ORL society, the Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS), International Rhinology Society (IRS) and the International Society of Infection and Allergy of the Nose (ISIAN).

The ERS arranges many workshops and symposia allover Upper and Lower Egypt in addition to an annual RhinoEgypt Conference. The ERS achieved marvelous success and international appreciation being capable of hosting the ISIAN-IRS-PARS 2014 conference in Dubai.
