13th Annual European Head and Neck Course

Event Location
Poznan, Poland

Event Dates
13 Jan 2021 - 15 Jan 2021

Event Website

Event Cost


This three day course will cover the current management of head and neck cancer within a multidisciplinary framework. The format will consist of lectures, panel discussions and operative techniques. There will be a series of keynote addresses dealing with some of the more controversial topics. There will be time allocated for audience participation through question and answer sessions. The course is suitable both for trainees (residents and fellows) in ENT, Maxillofacial, Plastics and Oncology in preparation for exams, as well as providing a stimulating update for practicing surgeons and physicians.

The course aims to present a multidisciplinary approach towards the management of patients with head and neck cancer through the use of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. There will be a full discussion of the diagnosis and management of patients with head and neck cancer with emphasis given to recent advances in diagnostic tools, therapeutic regimes and surgical techniques. Through panel discussion and question and answer sessions, the delegates will benefit from the experience of a faculty assembled from many of the leading head and neck cancer centres in Europe and North America.
