Review by K Blackmore
Middlesborough, UK
This 400-page book on paediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery gives an overview of the important topics in paediatric plastic surgery, and it is surprising how much is relevant and of interest to the ENT surgeon.
It is divided into several categories: craniofacial disorders; cleft lip and palate; soft tissue deformities of the head and neck; trunk and lower extremity; upper extremity; and integument. Whilst the trunk and extremity chapters are not particularly relevant to the ENT surgeon, those seeing paediatric patients will treat children with congenital anomalies that are addressed in these chapters, and it is interesting to understand how they are managed by our allied specialties.
The section on craniofacial disorders is particularly valuable, as is that on cleft lip and palate. Again, these are surgical procedures that as ENT surgeons we do not undertake ourselves, but where knowledge of the condition and treatment is important.
Each chapter gives an overview of the condition or pathology, with operative and non-operative management options. One of the best things about this book is the quality of the diagrams, photographs and radiological images (particularly the reconstructed images). There are also some good intra-operative photographs. The chapters finish with a list of suggested readings, and it is great to see papers as recent as 2016 listed.
This book is easy to read; it highlights the important points for each topic and has excellent illustrations. It would be a great read for ENT trainees, particularly those studying for the Fellowship of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons examination and those with a paediatric interest.
Amazon Link: Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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