The Journal of Laryngology and Otology August 2020 Issue

The Journal of Laryngology and Otology August 2020 Issue

The August 2020 Issue (Volume 134, Issue 8) of the JLO is now available on the Cambridge Core web site. Please follow this link to view the issue. The print edition will also be available soon.

This issue is almost exclusively Covid-19 related articles and Open Access:

Union of the European Phoniatricians’ position statement on the exit strategy of phoniatric and laryngological services: staying safe and getting back to normal after the peak of coronavirus disease 2019 (issued on 25th May 2020)

The UK national registry of ENT surgeons with coronavirus disease 2019

Restructuring ENT out-patient services during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic – an iterative approach

The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on head and neck cancer services: a UK tertiary centre study

Remember that many articles accepted for publication are available now as FirstView articles at Cambridge Core long before their print publication.