Government’s health reforms

Government’s health reforms

Health and Social Care Act 2012 at a glance

This paper explains the main changes that the new legislation brings about including the duties of the secretary of state, new commissioning arrangements, public health and education, training and research.


The NHS Commissioning Board
Executive summary  
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This paper describes the organisational structure of the new NHS Commissioning Board and what it will do, including its legislative duties, direct commissioning and oversight and performance management of new clinical commissioning groups.

Local accountability
Executive summary  
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This paper explains the new forms of local accountability within the NHS, including the strengthened role for local authorities, new health and wellbeing boards and local HealthWatch.

Choice and any qualified provider
Executive summary
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This paper examines the extension of patient choice and the introduction of the any qualified provider policy, as well as providing a brief history of patient choice in the NHS.

Foundation trusts
Executive summary
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This paper outlines the changes relating to foundation trusts, including the private patient income cap and failure regime, as well as the timetable for all remaining NHS trusts to achieve foundation trust status.

Monitor and regulation
Executive summary  
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This paper explains proposals to create a joint licensing regime for NHS providers, operated by Monitor and the Care Quality Commission, and the expansion of Monitor’s role, to become the system regulator for all NHS-funded services.

New providers
Executive summary  
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This paper describes what the reforms will mean for new providers including social enterprises, ISTCs and the not-for-profit sector.